02 February 2009

Temple Girl

Let me tell you a tale entitled the Temple Girl.  There was once a guy named Todd and he had a friend named Jason.  These names have been changed to protect the identity of their true identities and save them from the humiliation that will surely follow.  If you're asking yourself, "Is this going to be a true story?" the answer is yes.  

Todd was sitting next to his friend Jason in the chapel of the temple (a very special building in the LDS church) waiting to go in.  He looked up and saw a girl walk in that he had known from an art class years earlier.  Alas, her hand was covered and he couldn't see her ring finger.  

On to the next room, he leaned over and told his friend, "Hey, there she is.  Can you see a ring?" Todd is very pathetic, mind.
"No," Jason said.

Todd looked over and noticed the girl tapping her ring finger and laughing with her friend.  She had caught Todd and Jason looking for a ring.  Pathetic, little Todd.

Today, Todd saw his old friend from art class and got her number!  Here's how it went down:

Todd: Hi Sandra!
Sandra: Who ARE you?
Todd: Who are YOU?.... We had art class together....4 years ago....
Sandra: [Feeling the need to avoid the creepy, bearded man] Um...oh yeah....isn't your name...Steven?
Todd: No.  It's Todd.  
Todd: [Feeling pretty cool at this point] Well, let's chill sometime!
Sandra: Sure! Here's my number!

Go Todd!


5 wisecrack(s):

Kendall Laws said...

Hmmm Jason it seems to me that you should take a note from this todd fellow and ask a temple girl out.... in TWO DAYS!!

Chess said...

I think you are a born storyteller. Jason seems so real to me! It's like I know him or something! :)

TPlayer said...

That's by far the worst story I have ever heard. How is it that girls are seriously that lame and desperate-ugh! I'm sorry, no offense to "Todd" but in one breath she's all snotty and "who ARE you?" and then next she'd dishing her number out like a relief society casserole.. I hang my head in shame as a representative of the fremale gender right now.

Leon said...

Player! Sarcasm. Haha.

jill said...

dishing it out like rs casserole. I like it good job tiff!


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