16 February 2009


I'm going to be honest here for a minute.  I'm sick of it being so cold all the time.  As many of you know, I generally prefer winter over summer any day of the week.  I have my thermostat tuned between 64-65 degrees, and if anyone turns it up, I sit down and have a nice chat about why they can NOT do that.  Well, this was before DeEsta (my Honda Metropolitan).  I have been determined to ride it all year long, even if it's 5 degrees outside.  I have been true to this, and have prolly killed a few brain cells in the process from the countless ice cream headaches I have gotten from riding it this winter.  

Now that my minute of honesty is over, you will no longer know if I'm telling the truth for the remainder of the post.  

For the reason listed above, and various others (listed below), I don't want summer to begin. 
  • I love school.  I NEVER want it to be over.
  • I love riding my scooter in the cold.
  • Believe it or not, Logan is my favorite place on Earth.  I don't want to leave this place EVER.  Thus, I'm only looking for jobs here.  You may see me someday working for Burger King.
  • I'm not at all stressed out, I have nothing to do.  I want it to stay that way forever.
Take that.

6 wisecrack(s):

Anonymous said...

Loved the post. Someone needs some summer love! And by that I simply mean a burger or something summer brings.

Leon said...

Will Summer bring me a burger? I like them plain. Meat and cheese only, please. Anything else on it and I may just hurl. And "Meat and cheese only, please" rhymes. Just thought I'd point that out.

garrett said...

I like that you countered your "I'm going to be honest here for a minute" with a bit of blatant lying. Keeps things real.

Chess said...

Burger King? Please! You should work at A&W and give me free root-beer floats. I can't see how life could get any better for you. Giving me presents out of the goodness of your heart!

Leon said...

I don't think there's any goodness in my heart, Chess, i.e. you're not getting any free root-beer! Ha!

Levi Dean said...

I hear ya Jmoney. I miss winter so much and Logan even more. If you can find a way to stay, unless Blizzard make you a crazy awesome deal then think real hard and do what you think is best.

Also I know for a fact that there is no goodness in Jason's heart. Cause it's all in his video game thumbs, his stomach and his left kidney.


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