04 February 2009

What do you do when you feel defeated?

On February 2, which is Groundhog's day, Sarah's birthday, my brother's birthday, and my roommate's birthday.  So to celebrate both Kendall's birthday and Todd getting Temple Girl's number, we did the only thing we know how to do: Shoot %#$&, which is only way we know how to say it.  

There was just something that has been eating at Kendall for a few weeks now:  a picture frame that he didn't know what to with (and forgive the preposition at the end of this sentence).  You could say that it has been a weight on his shoulders like a bowling ball dropped from the top of a 50-story building.  Here is what it looked like being shot with a 12 gauge:

And this is what it looks like AFTER being shot with a 12 gauge:

And yes, we also shot at the bowling pins.  You should have seen what the 12 gauge did to THEM!  And for the record, I beat Kendall in a shooting contest 2-1 with our 9mms.  :)  And I started 4 sentences with the word "and." Forgive that as well. 

So this is what I do when I'm feeling defeated:
  1. Say to myself, "You're hot.  There's no need to feel defeated."
  2. Shoot %$#&.  This applies both to real guns and Sniper Elite.
  3. Have ALL day text conversations with a cool chick.  This can really cheer a bloke up.
  4. Think about having a job with BLIZZARD and how cool it would be to tell my mom that all those "wasted" hours playing video games ACTUALLY PAID OFF.  Take THAT Ma! 
That's all I got. 


5 wisecrack(s):

liNdsEYloO said...

i know i'm awesome. move to irvine. and it's okay to feel defeated sometimes, it makes the next couple days MUCH better.

Jalene said...

I want to know who this "Todd" character is. Interesting name choice Jas... interesting.

Paul Harris said...

Come down to mesquite to shoot guns. There's tons of %$#& here to shoot.

Katey said...

This slightly reminds me of the KNC! If only you had a calendar of Nicolas Cage... ;)

Spratt said...

Why do you feel defeated?


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