16 March 2009


Things I'm feeling today (and yes, another boring list...I'll write a good post again soon...):

  • I will never go to Beto's again. I had only half of a bean and cheese burrito this morning (midnight). Immediately upon eating it, I began feeling sick. Today I'm still feeling sick, I have no desire to eat anything, and I feel weak and light-headed; dizzy, almost.
  • This week is going to be the busiest week of my life. I have to a) put finishing touches on my thesis; b) create, edit and put finishing touches on a slide show presentation telling the story of my thesis; c) finish writing another lame list on my blog about things I'm feeling today.
  • Forgive me if I don't blog much this week. I guess it won't be much different from every other week since I generally blog one time per. I intend on staying on campus all day every day. But the catharsis I'll receive upon passing my defense NEXT TUESDAY will be worth it. For sure.
  • Oh by the way, since this is a list of things I'm feeling today, I guess I better say that I'm pretty much freaking out. The whole defense thing NEXT TUESDAY so frightening to me that I just want to say the eff-word every time I think about it. I don't say this word, mind; I just have a strong desire to scream it at the top of my lungs.
  • Today I learned about efficiency in my stats 6720 class. My kiwi professor kept abbreviating it as eff. I thought it was funny as hell. So for the rest of the hour, each time he wrote efficiency on the board, I abbreviated it as eff. You'll only find the word efficiency written once in my notebook.
  • I was way excited today because I learned that Sharpie Pens now come in more colors than just black: green, blue and red! My dreams were then shattered as I went to the USU bookstore and they had no such interesting colors. In some ways I'm glad I'm getting the H out of Logan in 1.5 months, ne'er to return!
I'm pretty sick of this list. I can't think anyway. With the Beto's poison still in my system, and Meizzle Okeyella constantly distracting me, it's no wonder. I want to run away to Spain (in May). Anyone down?


PS - There's a Jack's Mannequin concert in Idaho Falls on the 9th of April. I'm going with some friends, but anyone who wants to go is invited! Buy tickets through here.

5 wisecrack(s):

Levi Dean said...

I like your lists. Good luck on the defense and get better. I don't know why you want to get the hell out of Logan for. I'd give almost anything to be back in Logan or at least Utah. You may get your wish though. Good luck anyways.

Sarah said...

Jason. For Christmas I got a pack of like 40 or 50 something Sharpies. They are lots of different colors. I want to go to Jacks!

Spratt said...

I'm glad you have finally seen the light and realized that Beto's is disgusting. I've gotten sick every time I've eaten there, and every time I swear I will never eat there again. Somehow about once every year someone convinces me to give it another try, and I always regret it afterwords. Stay strong in your resolve. It might be awkward refusing to participate in midnight Beto's runs with your friends; but at least then you won't get the morning-after-Beto's-runs.

Scotty said...

I'll be completly honest, either I have a stomach of steel or I'm just damn lucky. I have never been sick from eating Beto's or Rancheritos. I eat there about three or four times a year at most. I do however hate both places because it makes me sick to see the people cooking my food and I always amaze myself for actually putting it into my mouth. Gross.
We need to go shoot before you head out. I'm tempted to go get the XD9, I want it, but don't need it. Get feeling better and remember that God loves you.

Anonymous said...

haha you and your Sharpie pens ;) Stumbling upon your blog tonight truly made me smile and it was so good to know you are happy.
ps. if you really are going to Spain words cannot express how jealous I am. I have always wanted to go to Africa.... LOL


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