27 April 2009


Hi all. I dedicate this post to the love of my life. Jenova.

For all of you that think I mean this crazy:

FALSE! It is NOT the Jenova to whom I am referring. I admit that it would be excellent to call the Jenova in the above pictures the love of my life, well....see the term "Jenova" translated means "calamity from the skies." You can imagine that she would be difficult to get along with, and probably wouldn't appreciate me. She would just go on from earth to earth, terrorizing the inhabitants thereon. Not something I'm looking for in a wife...

This Jenova of who I speak is none other than the sexy redhead found in the following video:

Wow. What a sexy machine. This truck has allowed me to take girls like this:

to the top of the hill seen in the video. Good times. Well as I was saying before the sweet vid I made, I am completely in love with Jenova. Today she proved to be in as good of shape as ever when we crawled up the almost vertical hill to the top for an amazing view of Cache Valley. It was sure amazing. I love you, Jenova!

Well the reason we went up the hill in the first place is because the piece that somehow flew out of my Walther when I was cleaning it showed up. It is a small piece of....well just look:

It's #31 in the above picture. Pretty sweet picture, eh? Now for all of you PPK fanatics, you can always access this schematic via Resplendent.

So yeah, Micah-Man had to install it, since his fingers are small and girl-like and mine are not so much as such... and Kendall and I took a drive up Hyde Park canyon to shoot it. It was glorious. No more false sense of security!

I guess you could say it was a pretty awesome day. I got EVERYTHING finished with school; so unless I become even more masochistic and go back to school, I am done. Forever. Then the gun part came and PPK .380 is back. Then Jenova rocked both mine and K's socks. Then tin foil dinners and dutch oven cobbler. Then finish this blog and grading homework. Ok the grading part isn't so great, but...well you get the picture.


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