26 November 2008


It's 2 a.m. Again.  And I'm still up.  Again.  And i'm leaving for Denver.  At 7.  Tomwom [tomorrow].  Which means I need to get up at 6:30.  In the morning.  Because I need to make sure I'm ready.  And I'll have to take a shower.  And I'm driving.  My grandma's Camry.  It's new.  I hope it goes fast.  And oh man I'm not at all tired and I should already be asleep and I'm listening to this really good music right now and I can't stop because I love it and yeah I think I'm going to bed now because my iPod just got done updating and is charged so now I can turn my MacBook off.  

Just so everyone out there knows, this blog post was inspired by my good friend Sarah, whose blog can be found here.  It's seriously the funniest blog on the web.  Go there.  Now.


3 wisecrack(s):

Jalene said...

New post...

See? Not that funny.

Drive safety like to DENVER!!

kristin brown said...

Ha ha ha I think it's funny! I love Sarah's blog. But I think you can only pull off the style this once. :)

Sarah said...

hahaha. well thanks jason. i'm glad someone is entertained by my craziness. have a happy thanksgiving!


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