Yes, I do realize that the title is spelled wrong. Back off.
So at family home evening yesterday, my group did some tie-dying!
It was a very good time.
Frolicking is what Austin does best.
These pictures are a little out of order, but as has been said by many a person, blogspot and pictures are not very compatible, no matter what the man tells you.
We will be starting a tie-dying club soon. We will have at least (most) one night of tie-dying.
9 wisecrack(s):
Its very appropriate that you end with the word "peace" since ya'll look like a bunch of free lovin' , hippies in those shirts. I think the photographer must have been pretty amazing too.
Oh goodness. I don't know what to say. Except that I would like to tie-dye something.
Sick... are you peeing on Seth's garden??? I'll be sure not to eat anything from that garden ever again. Maybe that's how his cantelope died...
Haha. We're not actually peeing, Jalene. I wouldn't pee on his garden, or in a public area like the Brooklane parking lot!
Ok my vegatable eating from Seth's garden is safe.... Good to know.
wow your tye-dye-ing skills are amazing...right up there with your frolicking skills.
luv it! Hey if you ever want to tie die something i have a ton of extra seth's.
That is awesome!! We are glad to see you are enjoying yourself during a crazy semester!
Bell Tower,
Thought I'd say hello. I came accross your blog through a link on Kendall Laws blog. He and my wife went to high school together. Hope all is going well for you in Logan. Tap it light!
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