01 August 2008

Two Things

Hi again, friends (and enemies, if you dare show your IP around here...). If you're anything like me, you're impressed right now. First that I know what an IP is, and second because this is the 3rd day in a row that I've blogged. Don't expect this everyday. Next week is going to be pretty busy for me because I'm going to a conference (Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM)) the majority of next week (starting Sunday) in Denver (Colorado). The conference is sure going to be exciting. I'm sure I'll write about it, or certain aspects of it (and if I can get some good candids of the nerds, like myself--but not as cool-- that will be attending this astronomical event, I'll be sure to post them) later, either during the conference or after. Anyway, what was I saying? Ah, yes. Concerning blogging: somehow, some fuel was added to my blogging fire, and it is burning brighter than ever. We'll see if I can keep it up.

I mentioned over there ---------------------------------------------> (in the section of the sidebar entitled me) that I am a statistician. I am. If you really want to know exactly what it is that I do, ask me (comments...hint hint...) If not, you can go on pretending that all a statistician does is count and worry about probabilities. If you hadn't already guessed, we're not really concerned about who can count the highest, who can recite e backwards, or anything to do with math, really. We don't care (well, some might) about baseball statistics, or that 93% of statistics are made up on the spot, or even calculating the probability that you will attain 4 holes-in-one at the Fun Park mini golf course. If you want any of that stuff, go bother a probabilist (or an accountant, for all I care).

Also over there, I said I'm getting into photography (and mayhap I mentioned this in a previous blog post....see below). The reason I say this--not to redundantly be redundant-- is to give my buddy Seth some more traffic. He is one of the best, folks, and I'm not making this up. So, anyone needing some pics taken for whatever, give him a call (or blog post, I guess)!! You can go to his business website here or find it over there (-------------------->). It's called White Star Photography. And if you ever need a pianist for some event, I know a good guy!

Speaking of all these neat things makes me think of another great addition to our lives that people didn't have 100 years ago: Facebook (FB). I've recently discovered that people can now upgrade to the new version of FB; but to my dismay, I cannot, and it angers me deeply. Due to this, I'm sick of FB, the stupid so and so is not online chat bull crap, and the aleph-not hours I waste on it every day! Thus, I think I'm going to focus more of my time blogging than FBing....starting.....NOW!

6 wisecrack(s):

Cassidy said...

well, well, well. I am impressed. I, also being a statistician, appreciate the mention that we don't care about math. Becasue we don't, or at least, I don't. Except for the last week that I have been frantically trying to get Tyler through Business Calc before we move. I remembered that logs and exps are pretty interesting.
Anydangway, good job for blogging so much. I also replace any allocated FB time with blog time most of the time.

Cassidy said...

Further, ignore the spelling mistakes in anything I write. Due to a little boy who has become ever so clingy, I only type with one hand and don't waste time fixing errors.

kristin brown said...

So I think that what is responsible for fueling your blogging fire is probably reading my inspiring blog. You don't mind if I take the credit for that, right??

Leon said...

Sure, you can take credit for it. Whether its true or not remains a secret.

Christensen's said...

Hey, this has nothing to do with your post- Just wanted to say we enjoyed seeing you this weekend! Please come by anytime! We enjoyed your company! Take care- Hasta luego- Janica and Cam

jill said...

Don't be too angry about not being able to update your facebook...it sucks.


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