14 August 2008

Rant (v.) 1598, "talk foolishly, rave"

So I realized yesterday that I like to rant. I'm not sure if anyone has ever noticed this before, but I did yesterday, as I just said. (Geez, keep up!) I went to Best Buy with a friend (we're still on yesterday) just to browse and dream of the cool things we are going to have when we're rich. Our first stop was the cellphone section. Best Buy is pretty cool, because you can go with pretty much any provider, and they have an OK selection of phones for each provider. As we were browsing, a nice female employee came up to us and asked if we had any questions. This is where the rant began. It ended 10 minutes later. I'm not even sure what I ranted about, except that mayhap it dealt with the suckiness of Verizon and how much I hate them and how sucky they are. I'm also sure that it was chalk-full of sarcasm (turned up to 10!) and I'm not so sure she got that. She thanked me for my opinion and said that she appreciates feedback about the different wireless services. Aaron, my friend, pointed out the rant session, and the sarcasm, and said that I'm always doing this with employees wherever we are. He's just jealous! 

Instead of another rant, I thought today I would list a few of my favorite places on the web, and all y'alls can see how I like to spend my time. These are not in any particular order.

Well that's all that I can think of right now. I may or may not add more. So click on a few, waste some time, and you too can be as dorky as me!!! Peace, I'm out.

Coming soon: another rant (provided something makes me t.o.'d or one of you can give me something to rant about).

5 wisecrack(s):

Robin said...

Hmmm I just looked at your photography site...nice!
What camera do you use?

Colette said...

Couple things:
-First, I have noticed the rant thing - but that is Jason!
-Second: Love your facial photo on here!
-Third: Thanks for thinking my adventure was awesome!

Leon said...

Robin: Thanks! I use a Nikon D60.

Col: That was more than a couple things, thanks for accepting me, thank you, and no prob Bob!!!

Cassidy said...

I think you mean chuck-full. Am I wrong?

Leon said...

Chalk-full and chuck-full mean the same thing. You can look up their origin on Dictionary.com. You should do that! :)


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