26 August 2008

Hello, My Name Is Shem

Word to one and all.  I'm feeling very sick today.  I went to Arby's for lunch and it left me feeling dizzy, light-headed and nauseous.  I've heard that medicinal marijuana is good for nausea.  Can anyone confirm this?

Today I've had a break from classes.  Yes folks, a break.  I'm super overwhelmed with my new school schedule.  I only have 3 classes, and one of them is going to be easy (and very time consuming); however, the other two are pure mathematical theory.  There is no curse in Entish, Elvish or in the tongues of men that would describe my fear for these classes.  I guess I just need to keep my mind on the prize!  As my good friend Buster always says, "Sometimes you have to...grab that brownish area by the points, and never let go...no matter what your mom says!" Mayhap I misquoted that, anyone can correct me if I'm wrong.  And that goes for anything--I feel that I'm constantly correcting everyone because my intelligence rests just a hair above the rest [shifty eyes]...

So back to my nauseating classes: Stat 6710 - Mathematical Statistics, Stat 6100 - Advanced Linear Regression, and Stat 6550 - Statistical Computing.  Like I said, nauseating.  I was pretty surprised when I didn't have any homework yesterday, but I'm sure the next few weeks of HECK [snicker] will make up for it.

OK, I'm done now.  Bye, bye.

3 wisecrack(s):

liNdsEYloO said...

muahahahahahahhahaha. the end.

kristin brown said...

I've heard the same thing about the marijuana. You should definitely give it a shot. Um... laughed out loud at the picture of Buster. The video was good too. :) I hope you are feeling better. Arby's sort of makes me sick too. And Carl's Jr. That's all. Bye bye.

Cassidy said...

I do believe I took those three classes in the same semester while I was auditing 5710 and 5720 so that I could be ready for the qualifier. I think they weren't that bad - but mostly because I got to take 6710 from Dr. Coster - lucky me. 6100 was much much easier than I expected.

Good luck.


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