01 May 2010


Would anyone be offended if I changed the location of my blog? You have 2 days.

Another thing you have only two days for is Monday. Monday generally means that you wake up groggy from a long night of playing Final Fantasy (pick your roman numeral) (I'm currently choosing VIII) and drinking Mountain Dew.

I keep trying to give up the Dew. And then I found out about the 3 new flavors they brought out for the summer. The deal is you try them all and then go vote somewhere online. They (supposedly) keep the one that gets the most votes. Here's what I think they should dew (get it?): just make all the flavors they've ever available at any given time at any given store.

Were that the case, you could do what Levi and I once did, which is make Suicide Sherbet. We decided after watching Wanted, which left us depressed and wanting more out of life, and after eating a few caffeine mints, that, since caffeine is the only drug we were willing to abuse, we would attempt to inject the highest possible amount of it into our bodies. And by inject, I mean the following story. We went to Macey's (a Utah grocery store open SIX days a week, for my out-of-town readers) and bought a twelve pack of every available Mountain Dew. Live Wire (orange). Regular (yellow). 3 then-summer-flavors (don't recall their colors). Code Red (duh). We bought a tall can of NOS (energy drink). Cream. Went home. Mixed a can of each, threw in the NOS, added some cream and like a cup of sugar (for good measure), tossed it in my ice cream freezer, put it on the porch outside, plugged it in. Thirty minutes later, we were bouncing off the walls like William Shatner in the following scenes:

In the following days, I would make Suicide Sherbet smoothies by half-filling a glass with the frozen caffeine overload, adding a can of Mountain Dew (any flavor), mashing it together with a spoon, and slurping. And gulping. And running a marathon. Not really that last one.

I don't know why I told you that story or embedded the video that probably offended you. Just let me know if you care, you, if I change the location of my blog. Alright, you!?


6 wisecrack(s):

Tamara said...

I'm positive I KNOW why this has come about. I understand why this must be. Do I LIKE it? HECKS NO. Do I blame you? HECKS YES. Would I do the same if I were in your shoes? You BETCHA! Buena suerte, y nunca deberias dar la direccion del sitio nuevo a los que no tienen nada que ver con tu vida.

Chess said...

How come you need to change the location? But no, I don't mind! :-)

Unknown said...

I only care, sister, that you please change the location of your life.

Spratt said...

As long as you put a post up at this location, directing us (your loyal fans) to your new location, I am cool with it.
Also, I was there to partake of this Suicide Sherbet, it was pretty good. A little funky tasting, but I think that was due to the NOS rather than the DEW. I could have done without the NOS. Still, Mountain Dew Sherbet I'm sure has been one of your better ideas. :)

p.s. How do you embed videos into your blog like that?

Leon said...

Working on it, sister.

Robby, I will not be putting a link on this one to the new one. I think my followers will still be my followers, so I won't need to worry about it. And all you have to do is go to YouTube and copy the code under "embed" and paste into the "html" section when you're making a new post. Quite simple. Caution: some videos won't let you embed, so there will be no embedding code.

garrett said...

I'd rather you didn't move. If you do, though, email me a link to the new site.


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