27 October 2009

New Post

I wrote a new post today. Actually I took some pictures. Some of these are from the same "shoot" as the photos I used to make the new banner ↑. And the other photos are of my kitchen when I had the missionaries over for dinner. I made sweet pork burritos Café Río style.

Have a nice day.

5 wisecrack(s):

Chess said...

You classy man, you. :)

Mandy said...

Oooh I'm loving these pictures.
And I'm obsessed with Cafe Rio.

Jalene said...

hahahaha!!!! "greetings!" Oh my gosh. This made my day. Please tell me how you did these! They are amazing! You're awesome, jas-face.

Dave said...

Nice photos, but take away the nice shirt and tie and make your beard a little longer and replace the empty background with a van and you are pretty much a creepy dude.

Just so you know, no more.

Jalene said...

hah! i want to print and hang the "greetings" one up on my wall!


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