12 October 2009

I Know, Right?

There are some things that, in general, you don't tell many people. Or any one person, for that matter. I realize that was a sentence fragment, but deal with it. I've decided to list off a few things today that I normally wouldn't divulge, even to the pope. Guess you could say I'm just feeling like spilling the beans.

  • I ran out of gas last night for the first time in my entire life. I had no warning (except for the gauge pointing ever-daringly at a capital 'E'). No beep. No light. No sputtering of the engine as it drains its last drop. It just stopped. Fortunately, I was only a block up the street from my destination. Embarrassing, nonetheless.
  • I've watched more than one season of Smallville in less than 48 hours more than once in my life. Doesn't compare to this guy's watching the OC until sunrise, but on a scale from pathetic to 10, I'd say this is about a 3.
  • I secretly believe I'm as fast as Superman, and that, if I think hard enough about it, I can teleport from one end of the couch to the other.
  • Even though I bag on all things Microsoft and have sworn allegiance to Apple, I find it cathartic to work on a PC at work.
  • I lied on that last bullet. I even have to take my MacBook to work so I can escape Microsoft's evil grasp on the world a few times a day.
  • Just to make that clear, I'm obsessed with Apple and somewhat of a liar. :)
That's all I got. Maybe. What are some of yours?

5 wisecrack(s):

Mandy said...

Those aren't even embarrassing. Except for maybe the Smallville thing. Mine is that sometimes I turn off the radio in the car so I can listen to myself sing. And sometimes I snort when I laugh. But only when I'm alone. That's all :)

Breelyn said...

Do not be ashamed of your Smallville addiction. You're not alone.

Leon said...

Mandy: running out of gas is WAY embarrassing! At least for a guy... ;) And do you also flare your nostrils when you laugh? Because the combination of the 2 would be hysterical.

Bree: I still remember talking Smallville with you back in the day. Haha what great memories!

Anonymous said...

I've been thrown under the bus. I told you that in confidence.

Levi Dean said...

I want you to know I've been wanting to reply to this post but I can't think well enough to do it. Maybe after the pea soup fog from my cold leaves my brains. And if this doesn't make sense, sorry...


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