01 October 2009

Dear Blog,

I know that you are disappointed in me. It's my fault, I guess. Do you ever get those days where you come home from work and you're just tired and all you want to do is, well, nothing comes to mind? I know your answer is no. Clearly you don't. You're just a bunch of 1's and 0's, collaborating with other 1's and 0's to create digital memory which is then translated into what my 21 followers see as a digital image. Words, in other words. They see you as words. Nothing more. So why should I be expected to explain myself to you? I guess I'm not, since you have neither the capacity nor the human ability to have expectations. Now I'm just making things up. See what you made me do? Lie. And of course, as you may know, that is absurd: both me humanizing some binary code that is kept in existence somewhere in a vast cloud of digital space sometimes called the international superweb and the idea that you have the capability to have such human characteristics. You don't, as you know. Even the idea of you having knowledge is ridiculous. You know nothing. You're wasted space. You don't count. You don't matter to anyone. Just like facebook. To stop me from boring anyone today, like her, I'm going to stop. And you, blog, stop testing my intellect, because I know you can't test anything, and allow me to tell a story.

Today was a good day. The best day so far. I could hear the rain pouring down in buckets; a very peaceful sound while you're laying in bed, comfortably sane. Maybe on a Saturday morning, that is, when you aren't trying to wake up, and the somber feel that each raindrop emits as it falls, reaching terminal velocity, and splattering on the concrete, grass or rooftop, which impedes you from exerting any strength sufficient to get out of bed and go to work. Alas, I knew that I was going on a field trip today, and this gave me the proper umph! to [finally] get going.

Got to work at 7:30 and wrote my name down in the log book as I walked past the nice lady sitting at Becky's desk who greeted me with the biggest smile I've ever witnessed. Witnessing such a sincere, gracious smile made the muscles in my cheeks contract towards my earlobes, forming an upside-down rainbow with my lips.

The rain kept falling.

I changed from my Cowboy Shirt and slacks to some grey skinny jeans, white tennis shoes, and a red t-shirt that reads the working man is a sucker. The world knows where I stand.

We drove to the corn field. We were there on official NASS business which prevents me from further discussing what work was completed by our visit. I can tell you, however, that when rain mixes with clay-like soil, it creates a nigh-impassible pass between rows of corn. Steps 1-10 I still cared about dirtying my now muddy tennis shoes. Step 16 caused me to stick my sock in the mud while my shoe sank into the mud behind me. I struggled for 20 minutes to unstick myself from steps 64-65. Steps 100-130 were akin to soaping the kitchen floor and watching as a puppy whose head weighs more than its body runs across, tries to stop and slams its poor overgrown head into the refrigerator. Luckily, my own head is perfectly proportional to my body, meaning I did not fall in the mud.

The rest of the day consisted of me running some simulations in R on my beloved macbook. 'Twas by far the best day I've had. Thanks, NASS.



3 wisecrack(s):

Anonymous said...

Wow, you've got some intense writing skills my friend. You nearly had me rolling on the floor with that detailed explanation. The puppy part got me the most! Sorry to hear about your tennis shoes. If it makes you feel better, I have those days when I come home and want to do nothing as well. It's normal...either that or we're extremely unique, which is fine, unique is cool. But you should write on here more, if my saying that gives you anymore motivation then my work here is done...if not, well then, I'll savor the moments all the more when they come. Keep having good days!

P.S. I have 21 followers too! WHOA!

Colette said...

I am glad to hear that you are enjoying things so far. There will be many more exciting days like that - and then there will be some of those slow boring days like your first days full of nothing! But I am glad that you like it so far - I love it!!!

Mandy said...

I love this post. "Upside down rainbow" what a nice way to say smile.

Work is hard, I can't believe sometimes that society is created the way it is. Why don't we play 75% of the time and work 25%? Instead of the other way around?


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