01 July 2009

Tweet, Tweet

There seems to be way too much happening on my blog.
  • I have a list of blogs I frequent (under frequented blogs) over there ------>.
  • I have an about me section above the frequented blogs that isn't really about me. Well, it kind of is.
  • But that list of blogs goes on forever!
  • <----- Let's move to the left side, where there's even MORE action (RSS feeds)!
  • I've added a Twitter feed. That's right, I now tweet. I've caught the Twitter-bug. I'm going to hell, I know. But hey, I'm cool.
  • Here is something cool!
  • You can subscribe to this blog, and I encourage all y'alls to do it. How else are you going to know the exact moment that I post something new? Please, readers, subscribe.
  • <----- When, and I did say WHEN, you do subscribe, your picture will go there!
  • As many of you know, I've changed my life around completely doing what I call the Summer Oaktree Lifestyle-Change Diet Plan Thing. Part of this plan thing is to completely rid yourself of partially hydrogenated oils. DO IT! You'll be amazed how much trans fat you're actually eating in a day. You may not think it, but it's important. There are some links about info on trans fatty acids, and I'll be adding more. Check back!
  • There are some H-ing cool websites I've listed. You may find something interesting if you look hard enough.
  • I've added on the other side (--->) a couple new blogs. One is a blog I manage for CanyonWall.com. On this one, the posts are short, and have my own personal touch of humor that you're all here and you all expect from me. I may or may not sign these as Nathan. Of course, my name is Leon, not Nathan. I've only written 3 posts so far (the rest come from the real Nathan), but it will be updated often, hopefully daily. The other blog I added today is a blog written by Seth Godin. It's real interesting, and he updates a lot.
  • Let's see. Anything else? Oh yeah, you can catch on Twitter here. So all you stalkers out there are prolly happy. My aim is to please everyone.
Leon signing off.


1 wisecrack(s):

camille said...

oh twitter, i refuse to join because i know i would never have a life.

either that or i would actually realize how incredibly boring my life is.

oh also, you are awesome.


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