16 July 2009


In a recent blog post found here (I may or may not have been blog-stalking), a recipe for the HP Midnight Showing Essentials Kit was given. Some of the key ingredients included a ticket and how to make a cool t-shirt for the grand event. They did a lot of work, and their t-shirts looked really great.

I, however, didn't want to go through as much for a costume, simply because
  1. I didn't have the time. We decided to go to the midnight showing the day before, and thus I was short on time to create a costume.
  2. I simply did not want to.
But I still wanted to dress up. Being the creative (lazy) person that I am, and having a mom with a creative (brilliant) mind, I found that all you really need is 2 pieces of cardstock paper (color of choice), a piece of twine, a computer with a cool Harry Potter font (found here) and a printer with ink to boot. This is your result:

I apologize for the crappyness of these photos. The Nikon is sick and thus at the doctor, so these were taken with the Oak, a fairly good phone equipped with high-quality, cellphone camera, whose picture taking capabilities are not quite up to par with the Nikon's. But you get the idea.

So that's another way to have a good time at a midnight showing of Harry Potter. Now you all have a good idea for HP7.1 and HP7.2. And I'd like to thank Jalface's friend for the idea for this post.


9 wisecrack(s):

liNdsEYloO said...

i like it.
and geez you're skinny.

Jalene said...

Hahahahaha. I love it. So awesome. My shirt beats yours for sure though. ;)

Haley said...

Woah. It's like someone photoshopped your head onto McWayne's body.

Chess said...

Haha, when you sent me that picture I couldn't see the strings over your shoulders! That's great! And I haven't seen you since school finished--what a handsome guy! ;-)

Paul Harris said...

Sorry I refered to you as a nerd on FB. I thought you may have dressed up with round glasses, and carried a stick for a wond.

camille said...

bahahaha! oh i luff it!

Wendy said...

Hey, nice sign.

jill said...

Good work Jason!

Anonymous said...

Wow, color me scarlet with flattery! :) Glad to be a "muse" of sorts to your adventurously creative Harry Potter endeavors.


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