17 August 2009

Time's Up

For what is time up, you may be asking. Well, I'll get straight to the point.

Time is up for:
  1. ...Twin Falls - Well, in a month, really. I got a job working for NASS (National Agricultural Statistics Services), which is a branch of the USDA. You are most likely asking yourself, "What will he be doing?" The answer, however, is simple: statistics. Where will it be? Columbia, MO. Even though my emotional status doesn't rise above mellow these days, I'm super stoked about it. Time's up on this life I've been living, and it's time to start a new one. In a month's time, I'll be venturing out into the void of unknown space (for me, at least), which will take approximate 20 hours travel time. Huzzah!
  2. ...me to tell you about this great podcast shown to me one fine summer eve by Seth, a curious individual. Look up This American Life the next time you have a spare moment. Or hour, as it were.
  3. ...the post road trip...post. I had a good time - good enough to justify missing a week's work and spending the equivalent to what I would have made. You can read more about it on Jalene's blog here, or just call me (given that we're good enough friends for you to have my number ;) ). Time to jump out of the enumerated list.
That feels better. Sometimes I feel restricted working in these kinds of lists, and it's a great catharsis to escape them. That's what the trip was for me. A catharsis. Allow me to explain: I was mostly impressed with San Francisco. We walked around for an entire day, with no particular direction or destination. With the iPhone as our guide, we met Bob, a peculiar Asian woman who makes the best donuts on this side of the Sun. We failed to get a picture of Bob, but her smile will forever be engraved in my heart, as her donuts really were the best I've ever had.

We were directed to a beautiful cathedral, the inside of which inhabited a very peaceful, reverent atmosphere. To accompany this, a walkable labyrinth lay on the floor: walkable to the end that you will discover peace of mind, gain the ability to clear your head and think. The three of us walked it (Seth, Jalene and I) at different velocities and we all agreed that a slower pace was needed to feel its full effect. It may sound strange to some, but I could have stayed in that church forever. This also gave me a strong desire to return to my home land (Spain) and revisit some of the old cathedrals there.

We saw some other things, e.g. the golden gate bridge, the Levi's store, a neat bookstore, an amazing crepe restaurant, and a handful of doors out of which exuded an evil myst. But the city is beautiful, and for me, the most memorable part of the trip. I was able to think more clearly there than I have in a long time. As I said, it was beautiful.

Oceanside was next. Though cool and pretty in its own way, it didn't stick out to me quite like SF. It did have some perks however, namely:
  • a tranquil garden equipped with benches that overlooked the ocean
  • tide pools (almost the most peaceful place I've ever stood on this Earth)
  • a cool restaurant in which you can substitute beef with ground turkey and white buns with whole wheat
  • a great little cafe where Seth enjoyed fish tacos. The girl taking our orders didn't really listen to me. Me, knowing she would ask if I wanted a copy of my receipt: I don't need a copy of my receipt. Her: OK, great! Do you want a copy of your receipt? (Wink!) Me: No, thanks. (Smile, list lazily away.)
  • the beach
  • surfing
That's right, I learned how to surf. Well, kind of. Jalene's friend Chris was a great teacher and a super chill dude; the problem, however, is that you can't teach balance. This is a skill I've ever lacked and one that I hope to obtain in the worst way. And I don't hate Chris, even though he shoots a Canon.

Speaking of shooting, I realized that I have heaps and bounds to grow as a photographer, thus the discouragement from this realization caused me to give up shooting photos on the 2nd or 3rd day. I have included my 3 favorites that are mediocre at best. Overall, Cali was superb, but I was glad to finally get home after 2000 miles and 30 hours of driving. I've previously proclaimed, and it now will make sense, that I'm dreaming of tornadoes rather than tidal waves.


4 wisecrack(s):

Tasha said...

Sounds like you had a good time, and I think you are a very good photographer!! Those pictures are awesome. I will miss you when you move, especially our fun runs!!

Amanda said...

I only have one question. Did you get skinny jeans?

Anonymous said...

I've been tinkering with this post for a bit, perhaps even toggling, and I have to say that I like your pictures! Good luck in your upcoming adventures!

Anonymous said...

I must say joder, the photos you have posted are some of the best I've seen from you. we need to talk about this bridge pic. good show. That is all.


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