21 August 2009


Sorry, another lame post. And by lame, of course, I mean really cool. I've just started getting into podcasts. I'm not sure who out there is aware of the how fabulous these are! For instance, as I mentioned a post or two ago, my pal Seth showed me my favorite so far, This American Life. Seriously, you have to check this one out, even if you don't like anything else in the world, I'm fairly certain you'll get hooked on this. Each week, this guy introduces a topic and has a few stories on the topic. One that I really liked was about these two girls that got sent home (after being born) with the wrong families, and them finding out about it 40 or so years later. Just cool stories. You can only get it free (on iTunes) the week it comes out, and then you have to pay $1 for each episode after that. But I'd even pay a buck for these on the website here. Also, check out that website.

I'm sampling a few to see what I think of them. I've found another that I listened to all day today. No really, I listened to around 10 or so 20 minute episodes today. It's "stuff you should know" from howstuffworks.com. Another super cool podcast. Today I learned about a few different parasites and some other cool stuff, like Twinkies.

So anyway, I'd love to hear if you guys are at all into podcasts. If so, what ones do you like?


3 wisecrack(s):

Levi Dean said...

I will be once I buy a Zune HD. Most likely I will listen to Glen Beck, Bill O'Rilley, Sean Hanity and the like.

Sarah said...

Jason, that would be the exact tub I have been eating out of! They're addictive! And congrats on the job, that's awesome!

Ross said...


what a pleasant surprise. I have been listening to This American Life for several years now. I'll have to send you some links to some of my favorite classic 'episodes'


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