25 August 2009


Things I did today:

  • Had breakfast with my favorite 2nd cousin 1ce removed.
  • Said goodbye to some people in Logan. I didn't say this was a happy post.
  • Went shooting in Hyde Park, where I discovered I still got it! I didn't say this was a sad post either.
  • Tried real hard to keep the speed-limit law all the way from Logan to Twin Falls and succeeded! It felt really good. Also listened to a bunch of podcasts during the same trip.
  • Changed lanes, intentionally not signaling. Twice.
  • Talked about my new apartment with Patti and Dee.
Things I did this past weekend:
  • Drove the arrow road, which consists of a straight line between Kansas City and Columbia. If your car has a proper alignment, you can set the cruise control and take a 45-minute nap. That's how straight I-70 is.
  • Drove down streets I'd never been on.
  • Mentioned the fact I've never been on this street on every new street, even if I had been on it.
  • Travelled anywhere in Columbia within 15 minutes.
  • Leased a new 2-bedroom apartment (video tour to follow once I move in a few weeks...days...hours......) equipped with a pool, hot tub, golf course, cancer boxes, gym, and a mirror by the kitchen sink so I can practice my British, French, and New Zealand accents when nobody is looking.
  • Saw my new workplace and met Clarence. Pretty sure he's the coolest guy ever.
  • Noticed how friendly everyone is in Columbia. Huzzah!
  • Started reading The Count of Monte Cristo, realizing very quickly that I am way going to enjoy this book.
  • Travelled too much. Tired. Back hurts. The end.

4 wisecrack(s):

TPlayer said...

Let's make an agreement right here and now...Just because you live in Columbia now, doesn't mean you get to become a Jayhawk hater, ok?! After all, you've never had a problem with Kansas(me)before, right? Just thought I'd throw that out there!!! (Although I admit-the border war does get rather exciting every fall!) Hopefully I'll see you every once in awhile when I'm home!

Anonymous said...

Please tell me you didn't have a nap while driving "the arrow road"...if so, congratulations on surviving. Sounds like some adventurous times in Columbia.

Mandy said...

You are so detailed and funny. Also, I read the Count of Monte Cristo this summer... I want some feedback on how you felt about it. It was brilliant don't get me wrong but... Let's chat after. Sorry you had to say goodbye to Logan town. I love that place.

Leon said...

Even though it had push-button ignition switch and other cool features, the car I was driving pulled a little bit to the right. So...no, I didn't take a nap. I wanted to. It was a bit boring.

I am way loving the Count at the moment. Alas, I'm only 11.63% done. I'll keep you updated! I love Logan too. It really was hard, but if I go back again, it will get harder and harder to leave...


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