07 June 2009

A Partially Hydrogenated Post

I've become a boring texter. About two years ago, I was accused by some female friends of being, and I quote, "the BEST boy texter the world has ever seen," italics and words added for emphasis. My texts have always been complete with emoticons, such as :) , ;) , :( and even :'( . I use proper punctuation and spelling (in most instances). My texts have been full of all things that exude personality and feeling, not unlike my blog. Two days ago, I received a new phone via FedEx (story to follow) and it's great...except for one problem. Emoticons are now extremely difficult to produce, and therefore I will not be using them unless I am smiling (frowning, crying, winking) so big that it merits the extra 10 seconds it takes to create a :) . If you ever see one of those in a text I send you from here on out, or at least until I get another phone, you'll know I really mean that emoticon. For now, I will resort to spelling out the word for the emotion that I'm feeling. Like this:

Shane: we're so cool
Me: Way so cool.
Shane: Haha we're way so cool. I like that we are anti secondhand serenade way a lot
Me: Way Haha. Smiley.
Shane: Haha :) smile

See how it works? That was an actual text conversation, written exactly the way each text was entered. Two things I want you to get from this conversation: 1) note the boringness of my texts. Even my expression of feeling by way of articulation feels completely dull. 2) It's time that the world becomes aware of a new term I coined (Partially Hydrogenated Bands, or PHBs) today upon creating a FB group entitled Don't Partially Hydrogenate My Music. For those of you on FB, be sure to check the group out.

That was a lovely transition paragraph into the intended topic of today's blog post. I'm not writing today to discuss phones or even crappy music. I'm not here to promote my new FB group with the intent to persuade all of you to join. I'm here today to discuss a problem that is being addressed very seriously by some people, yet is utterly ignored by a good majority. The problem is trans fat. We've all heard the slogan "It's better than fast food. It's Wendy's." It should really read, "It's better than fast food. Eating a burger here increases the risk of YOU having coronary heart disease." or "Let [un]natural selection take it's place. It's Wendy's." That's right friends, partially hydrogenated oils are everywhere. What are they? There is a lot of info out there that will fill in the gritty details. I urge you to do some research and educate yourself as to why this stuff is so bad. I've added a link to Ban Trans Fats, a campaign website on the banning of partially hydrogenated oils, and I'll add more links as I find them. To sum it up briefly, once partaken, you will never rid your body of trans fat, unless you open up your veins and quite literally scrape it out. My thoughts are that we stop buying foods that contain partially hydrogenated oils and force the food companies to use something else. I know the food industry is a business, but one shouldn't stake people's lives on making money.

So check out the website. Do some research. Be cautious as to what you eat. Spread the word. Save some lives as well as your own.


3 wisecrack(s):

Amanda said...

ok actually quite interesting. I made it through in one sitting. :) however i must say that i LOVE secondhand serenade.

Anonymous said...

Secondhand Serenade needs to be excluded from this.... right now!

They are awesome. And actually have talent- you would know if you had seen them live last summer.

Wendy said...

I'll try to be more careful now that I've read this.


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