Dear The Blogging Community,
Upon flipping the Comment Moderation switch in an upwards direction, obviously assuming the switch on the other side of the room is presently sloping downwards, I've been getting spammed by anonymous users (no, not you, Nemo). I'd like you to stop this immediately. In light of these recent flippers (and not switch-flippers whose job it is to flip Comment Moderation switches on and off, mind) , I've decided to openly deny you access, anonymous, to make further comments. In other words (and again, this is not directed at you, Nemo), you bug. Back off.
[Switching 3 letters in the word love to get] Hate,
4 wisecrack(s):
Okay. Tell us how you really feel.
(No, really. I couldn't quite figure it out. A little help, please...)
Were you having the same problems that I outlined in my blog post?
I was getting a bunch of weird asian characters and links to what I assume were porn sites. Those anonymous posters are no good.
One of my favorite moments: "You know Colette, if you switch 3 letters in the word hate you get love. Let's just think about that." Thank you!
Also - this is not the haiku I was expecting - I will continue to patiently wait for said promised item.
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