18 November 2009

So Much For Xbox

Not much to say today. No fancy writing styles either. Maybe five words per sentence. It's going to prove difficult. Got 5 books from library. It was an amazing sight. The public library here rocks. Here are the books checked-out:

  • Best American Essays of Century
  • The Best Creative Nonfiction 1
  • The Best Creative Nonfiction 2
  • Freakonomics: Rogue Economist Explores Sides
  • 19 Tales Inspired by Poe
Of course names slightly changed. Three weeks to read them. Wish me luck; comments welcome.

2 wisecrack(s):

Colette said...

I hope you enjoy Freakonomics - I liked it well enough, but I have only read a page here or a page there. However, it was a best seller for a long time, so it must be good. Right?

garrett said...

I like that you recognize that a semicolon does not equate a new sentence. I'm most intrigued by the tales inspired by Poe. You should write a review. Are you on goodreads?


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