What to write about? Hmm.... Here's the deal: I have a lot on my mind. I have aleph-not things on my mind. If you were to ask what aleph-not is, I, or any brilliantly minded engineer or mathematician would respond:
Simple. It's the cardinality of infinity.
In other words, if you were to take the set of all real numbers, the set of all even numbers, the set of all forks and spoons and knives and xboxes, multiply them together using set-multiplication (I'm sure I made that one up), and came up with a count of how many elements there were in those sets, you would get an immensely large number.
Now, given that you are found within that set (maybe count you among the xboxes or spoons) (since I'm sure you like to spoon) (who doesn't?), and assume also that you are a Guinness world record claustrophobe, it might be a little crowded. What do you do in that case?
You keep fighting. Make your place in the set. Become a king. I don't know. Why are you inquiring such preposterous questions anyway? What, do you not have the world's best search engine at your finger tips? And I'm not talking about Bing. Wow. That's twice I've mentioned the dreaded Microsoft (3 times) in this post. And I don't even LIKE Microsoft (4)! Make sense of that!
You're still with me, I presume. Maybe you are with probability 0 exactly the opposite of "with me." Maybe you don't know what it means to do or be anything with probability 0. Remark: with probability 0, I will not buy Avatar when it comes out next week. I'm looking at purchasing a [new] Mazda 3 hatchback with probability 1. You see the difference? I know you see it. You're smart.
I'm still not sure where I'm headed. I could be talking about this blog, meaning it could end and you would be none the better off. If you're really smart, like I know you are, you could interpret my entire meaning of this whole thing. If you get it, I'll give you a dollar next time I see you. I like that. Please, interpret the meaning of this post in the comments section.
I'll give you some hints:
- I am, with probability 0, referring in any way to mathematical concepts and set theory. My discussion on the matter is only a metaphor.
- I'm not talking about Star Trek.
Speaking of Star Trek, or of not Star Trek, have you guys watched any Hayao Miyazaki films? I'll name a few. Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Nausicaa in the Valley of the Wind, Castle in the Sky, Porco Rosso, Kiki's Delivery Service, Princess Monoke. Please, please, please check them out.