OK so I'm new to this whole blog and I'm not really sure what I'm doing, what to write, etc. But I thought I would take a moment of your time (assuming that someone is actually reading this) and talk about something that's been on my mind a lot lately.Here we go.
Let’s talk about the only thing that even matters: Superman. Yes, I’m talking about the grown man in blue tights and a cape AKA the man of steel. In the not yet distant enough past (the past summer) I was watching the movie Superman Returns with a really good friend (with whom I would very much like to be more than friends, alas I was inspired to write about…Superman). Moving on… I was watching said movie with my friend and she made a very interesting comment. When Lois inevitably ignores Clark Kent, she (my friend) comments on the stupidity and blindness of Lois saying that she’s so in love with Superman that she doesn’t even realize that she sees him every day, that she works with him, and is even somewhat rude to him! If she could just give Clark a chance, who is obviously in love with her and she has to know it (or at least see that he’s interested), she would get to know him and see that HE IS SUPERMAN!!!
Okay, I realize that this may not be the best thing in the context of Superman Returns, since Lois is married/engaged and I in no way condone infidelity in marriage (or dating, etc.), but (and I know it’s completely corny, cheesy,…,n) here is what was running through my brain as she (my friend) is saying this: Why don’t you take your own advice? Clark Kent is a seemingly average guy, just like the majority of us guys out there, and all he wants is for the girl of his dreams to just give him a chance. That’s all I want.
A good friend (and bishop) of mine uses the analogy of his wife shopping. I’m sure that everyone has either experienced this personally, or can at least relate to the analogy (that’s where you compare stuff…ha ha…). He talks about going shopping, say, for a new shirt. He’ll go to the store, and if he finds one that he likes, he’ll take it. Then he says when his wife goes shopping, she’ll find, say, a sweater that she likes. But instead of purchasing it, she puts it back on the rack, leaves the store, and heads for the next store. She’ll look there and see if she can find something she likes a little bit more. She repeats this process going to maybe five, twenty five stores. Can anyone guess what happens in the end? She goes back to where she started and purchases the first sweater that she found. Isn’t this, in one way or another, like the Superman story?
Take home message: give the average guy a chance, even if he is a nerdy guy who parts his hair, wears glasses and loves doing math. He might just be Superman…
5 wisecrack(s):
Welcome to the land of blogging... and well done right out of the gates! I hear ya, kid. But you know I always hear ya...
I, too, bid you welcome to the blogging world. (Yes, I used blog as an adjective there... In addition to its adjective form, you can use "blog" as a noun [This is my blog.], verb [I am going to blog about that.] or even a gerund [I have been blogging all day!]. As you can see, the world is quite versatile.) But back to your blog. Good form, Superman. Seems like most of us just want the chance to show that we are more than what we may seem to be on the surface.
And I love the title and subtitle of your blog, by the way. :)
I also want to give you a warm welcome to the blogging world. I hope you don't mind, I found my way here via Haley's blog.
I quite enjoyed your post. I totally agree with all that has been said and you have stated your point very well. I wonder if I have ever been in Lois Lane's shoes and kept my eyes a little too closed on a good opportunity.
At the same time I feel I might be in the same boat as you. I might be the superman, or "superwoman" better put, that's just your typical, average girl who needs someone to take a look past the surface and maybe give me a chance.
I think we all find ourselves in this dilemma too often and we have to remind ourselves that one day someone will look past the surface and see us as we truly are. Ultimately, the man upstairs has us in mind and it will happen, in the right time, his time. Not that it will be any easier while we wait but it's always a thought that seems to help. :)
I agree with your friend Katey...
Take home message: Men need to give the average girl a chance.
Well written though, not to mention entertaining.
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